Syndication Basics
How do you choose a syndicator?
In a world of too little trustworthy information and too much hype, how do you choose a syndicator to entrust with your investment?
Syndication Basics
In a world of too little trustworthy information and too much hype, how do you choose a syndicator to entrust with your investment?
Syndication Basics
You invested in a real estate syndication with the expectation that you would get paid. You wanted, for sure, to get your capital back--a return of capital. But you also expect that you would get paid for taking the risk of putting your money in a deal of this sort--a return on capital.
Syndication Basics
Let's imagine you have a loved one who is very smart, a savvy investor, and curious--and who expresses an interest when you first mention you've been investing in private real estate deals. Of course you could just bore her with all of your many insights about
Syndication Basics
You've done everything right: you decided to invest in a syndication, you planned out your area of investing (say, multi-family apartments in the Sunbelt of the United States), you researched and found a great syndicator, you invested $50,000 with them a few years ago, you collected monthly
Syndication Basics
The most annoying answer is probably "it depends" but that's the truth in this case. It does depend on the kind of syndication deal you've invested in and the expectations that you've been given by the syndicator. But let's look
Syndication Basics
This site is geared toward helping people all along the spectrum of syndication investing--from people just realizing that it exists (yes, a whole new world opens up in front of you...) to those who have been investing in syndications for decades (or generations; yes, the wealthy have been syndicating deals
Syndication Basics
OK, you've done your homework. You have narrowed down the options for your next investment from the infinite down to multi-family, self storage, and mobile home syndications. You've landed on multi-family apartment syndications. You defined for yourself a set of investment criteria. You found a reputable